Many of Adam’s Books and Bible Studies are ideal for small group studies. Use our contact page for information about receiving a discount on purchases of ten or more.
Bible Studies & Small Groups
Celebrating God's Good Gifts is a collection of lessons on the Fruits of the Spirit... With help from Rev. James Sutton, we have tried to offer some practical insights into what it means to abide in Christ and the virtues that follow. The Fruits of the Spirit are GOD's gracious deposits into every believer. These are gracious gifts but they are also generative - they are the values we possess and share with the world.
Paperback, Kindle
As people of faith, we sometimes make a separation between what we believe and how we live. In this series, we will attempt to reestablish this vital connection. The faith that saves us is also the faith that transforms our lives – hence the title of this study: Transformation... Spiritual Growth and Maturity
Paperback, Kindle
This series of lessons is designed to help us understand and cope with suffering. Suffering is an inescapable reality, however, it can be transformational and constructive based on how we respond to it. As we examine the narrative of scripture, we will find clues to transform our losses into lessons, and to begin seeing those lessons as blessings. God is sovereign and intentional!
Paperback, Kindle
These lessons include a theology deeply rooted in the Incarnation. Christ was anointed to proclaim the good news to the poor! At the same time, we cross disciplines and use psychological and sociological tools and data to begin to help us understand the psyches and the environments that promote poverty.
Hardcover, Paperback, Kindle
Changing times are demanding that we adjust our ideas about vocational ministry. While many of us are resistant to change and see it as an obstacle or an ordeal to be overcome - the burden of doing ministry in these times is replete with opportunity! Tent-making sets us in a place where we can actually broaden our influence and expand our witness by living faithfully and working among those whom we desire to serve.
Paperback, Kindle
It would be nice if we could simply discipline our bodies into minding the Spirit. But if we are to experience genuine transformation, we must win the battle for our thoughts and the control of our minds. We cannot train our bodies without transforming our minds. This series aims to teach us how to Mind Our Thoughts…
Paperback, Kindle
Jesus was balanced in His relationships with people and with things. He was balanced in His spirituality, always demonstrating practically the doctrines he taught others. In this bible study, we will examine methods to help you find and keep your balance when facing the difficulties of life.
Paperback, Kindle
Hopefully, in this series we will wrestle with the questions:
Where do we find solace during adversity, peace amid adversity, and confidence in tribulation?
Prayerfully, we will learn what it means to be Empowered by Hope!
Paperback, Kindle
In this series, we will attempt to reclaim the sacredness of friendship. We will begin by developing a sound definition of friendship. Then, we will reflect on some godly wisdom as it relates to friendship. After that, we will examine godly examples of friendship, examine our own motives in the relationships that we pursue, and learn the difference between subjects and objects. Finally, we will talk about boundaries and how to manage the territory that lies between friendship and romance.
Paperback, Kindle
Overcoming Temptation is a book about learning the tactics of the enemy and taking the lessons and examples of Jesus as instructive for Christians. Jesus’ witness is evidence that we can overcome temptation, but there are no shortcuts. God’s Word must be written on our hearts. Come on, let’s study together.
Paperback, Kindle
… As we try to be right and strive for righteousness, we must understand that forgiveness is not preoccupied with proving itself “right”. Forgiveness is about love - the love that GOD has shown us, and the love that transforms our lives.
Paperback, Kindle
The dreadful human pronouncements and the even more disturbing human behavior that is being displayed right now, will not have the final say! GOD has another move. GOD has another WORD. GOD has an alternative to despair and hopelessness. In a time defined by fear and sorrow, skepticism, and suspicion, we have an alternative. This alternative is JOY! And this joy must be embraced, exclaimed, and exercised! It’s time to Reclaim Joy!
Paperback, Kindle
Sometimes life and circumstance leave us feeling scattered. Other times the challenge of balancing competing priorities will have us multi-tasking ourselves into a mess. Sometimes issues with our character have us compartmentalizing and segregating our lives. The book of James serves to remind us that our life is a unit. We have one life, and we live that entire life before God.
Paperback, Kindle
This series of lessons endeavors to reorient us to God’s purposes and to remind us of the collateral blessings of confidence, joy, and peace that can be found in no other place than in His will.
Paperback, Kindle
With so many voices speaking about Christ and appropriating His words, the message of the Gospel is often misconstrued and misunderstood. In this series of lessons, we attempt to ‘get back to the basics as we revisit the core tenets of the faith. Sometimes less is more. Come along and study with us as we rediscover what it means to be Authentic in our witness to God’s love toward us as we love others.
Paperback, Kindle
When I first became a Christian reading the parables was like a foreign language to me. As I disciplined myself to keep reading they slowly began to make sense. I do not believe that I am the only one to experience this struggle. The aim of this series is to make the unfamiliar familiar and to provide tools for practical application in your life. I hope the kingdom of God and His grace become accessible to anyone who picks up this book.
Paperback, Kindle
Devotional Reading
A Daily Devotional: Daily words to nourish and encourage your soul.
"Man lives not by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God..." (Matthew 4:4)
Hardcover, Paperback
New Wine
A collection of daily readings to encourage and inspire...
No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments.
1 Timothy 5:23
Hardback, Paperback, Kindle
Water… for your thirst
A book of thoughts and reflections to get your heart and mind right when life drains you and saps you of your strength.
Hardcover, Paperback, Kindle
A Cup of Joe - New Release!
A book of inspiration to get your day off to the right start...A cup of coffee is an eye opener for me first thing in the morning… But before I grab a mug, I like to gather a different type of energy… A word from the LORD to get my mind right always does the trick. I hope you are blessed by the words in these pages…Have a Cup of Joe on me!Good Morning, I love you all!
Hardcover, Paperback, Kindlle
Green Tea
Tea has been used for thousands of years to heal, energize, and soothe.
Green Tea is brewed from unprocessed tea leaves that enhance its healing and detoxifying effects...
Unprocessed and steeped in grace and experience, this little book is a cup of Green Tea.
Hardcover, Kindle
Poetry/Spoken Word
My words are windows, lenses, and mirrors revealing the pieces - strengths and weakness, losses and lessons that shape me. I am the sum of but also more than the pieces.
just adam
Hardcover, Paperback, Kindle